Ahh... another New Year is here and there are lots of resolutions to be fulfilled. Last year my resolutions were pretty simple and of course I didn't really go through with any of them... maybe it's a good thing my blog more resolution didn't really happen... because as you can tell, all of my pictures got deleted. Sigh. Google you've really let me down this time. I've still haven't come to terms with this. I feel that maybe they will magically reappear on my blog one day.
Okay. They're not.
I'm going to take this brand new year and start over my blog with this delicious detox water recipe...
I think on anyone's New Year resolutions list you can find the words: get healthy, lose weight, etc. Which is great. Even myself, as a vegetarian, try to be as healthy as possible but sometimes I give in to a Kit Kat too and I don't want to. And starting from right now... right now at 9:30 pm on this Saturday night, I am going to hold myself accountable and stop giving in.
Now aside from my personal resolutions here is a detox water I like to drink in the mornings and throughout my day. I sometimes switch up the fruits I use but for the most part I keep it the same : lemons / oranges / a type of berry. The reasons behind my choice of fruits are.........
To begin with lemons, there are plenty of reasons why lemons are good for you : supports weight loss / aids digestion / anticancer properties / balances pH levels
To add on, oranges : vitamin C / boosts hearth health / rich in carotenoid compounds / protects the skin with a punch of free radicals
And to finish, we all know why strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, snozberries, etc. are good for you! Just kidding about that last berry...
Hopefully this water can be the kick start to your get healthy resolution!
You'll need:
1 mason jar or any personal drinking container you have on hand
2 lemons
2 oranges
2 handfuls of your choice of berries(a mix if you're feeling crazy)
First: Take your yummy lemons, cut them in quarters and then cut them again.
Then take your oranges(these, by the way, are cara cara oranges. to die for!!!) and cut them the same way.
Now add your fruits to your glasses! I always use a jar I can carry with me to work or school and then one pitcher to keep in the fridge to drink at home.
Once you drop your fruit in, add your water(I get my water purified by the bulk from Whole Foods!). Let this sit in your fridge overnight so it can soak up the flavors and vitamins and all the good stuff! And voila! You have amazing, fruit filled, vitamin enriched water! Yummy...
I like to start my day with either this or a nice hot cup of lemon and honey, depending on the weather! It's super refreshing!
Let me know if you try this out! Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!